Student loan debt can be a serious roadblock. Let’s tackle it together.
If your student loan debt is keeping you from getting the loan you need or buying a home, we get it. Seven out of ten college graduates have student loan debt so you are not alone. But you have options - let’s talk through them.
Student loan counseling
Meet with a certified student loan counselor to take a holistic look at your financial situation including income, expenses, assets and all other debt. We will generate a soft-pull credit report, review it with you, and make suggestions on how you can move forward.
Your student loans will go through an online simulation to determine the payment options available based on your unique household composition and the types of loans you carry. This payment calculation shows the various payment options to explore with your Federal student loan servicer. If private loans are involved, a separate look and action plan is completed. The counselor will equip you with the knowledge needed to apply for the option that best fits your goals.
Fees for Student Loan counseling
Single counseling session: $100
To request an appointment, visit our Get Started page.