Our Board of Directors

CCCS of the Mid-Ohio Valley has operated as a local, stand-alone Credit and Housing counseling agency since September of 1971. We are governed by a Board of Directors composed of 15 local business, civic and nonprofit leaders. Our board members maintain a good representation in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors. The agency’s diverse board includes a variety of seasoned members and those who are new to the organization. All members volunteer their time and resources because they are drawn to the agency’s mission and believe in the positive impact it provides to the community.

CCCS board committees are active in providing guidance to the organization in the areas of Advertising, Finance, Housing, Performance and Quality Improvement (PQI), and Human Resources. All of these Committees meet quarterly and review the agency’s materials, policies, procedures and objectives. We could not achieve our organization goals without the commitment of our Board of Directors. If you would like to consider joining our board, please contact our Executive Director for more information.

Meet Our Board of Directors

  • Tom Frawley


  • Nicole Raber

    Vice President

  • R. Doug Reeder

    Past President

  • Ronald Leach, CPA


  • Pam Bayer


  • Robert Adkins

  • George "Chip" Chandler

  • Leasa Davis

  • Julie Dye

  • Jolie Kerenick

  • Robin Stewart

  • Ray Ulmer

  • Scott Shirey

  • Sharon Kesselring